Monday, October 17, 2011

Student Loan Debt Settlements

Student loan debt resolution settlements sound like a great way to reduce the hardship imposed by past financial decisions, including mounting student loan debts. However, this process may not be exactly what it appears to be. While most any kind of debts can be settled, including credit cards and personal loans, companies that offer debt resolution services are typically precluded from negotiating with student loans. Although these programs are not readily available for students, other types of resolutions may be able to help the individual put finances in order. For example, a student loan debt resolution settlement may take the form of settling other high-interest balances so that there is more money freed up to pay educational obligations.

The idea of this program is popular among college graduates today, especially considering the climbing costs of higher education. Many people owe tens of thousands of dollars to their educational lenders, and possibly thousands more to credit card companies. Naturally, these people are seeking student loan debt resolution settlements in order to ease the burden of all those high monthly payments. Also, some people who started their educations but did not fare well or perhaps who did not finish their course of study feel that since they did not get out of college what they had intended, they should be able to obtain a student loan debt resolution settlement.

If the graduate is able to find this type of program, or any other kind of debt settlement package for that matter, they should expect to give the representative a complete disclosure of their financial status. This includes both assets and liabilities. Student loan debt resolution settlements are not designed for people to default on debts. If the person has reasonable means for paying these obligations, they should do so. With a high income, the individual should expect to be counseled out of settling debts as they will probably be able to make monthly payments.

"Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him." (Deuteronomy 13:4). Any kind of settlement program, including a student loan debt resolution settlement, is not to be entered into lightly. God expects His children to honor their commitments, and this includes paying financial obligations. Debt settlements should not be viewed as quick and easy fixes to tough financial problems. In fact, any kind of debt resolution program will have lasting negative consequences. Although this may alleviate short-term cash problems, a persons credit rating will suffer and his or her ability to finance anything in the future (including cars and houses) will be severely hindered.

View the original article here

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