Student loans with no credit history required have been established for young adults who are starting out in school and have no past financial background. These young people have never had a car loan or a credit card, nor do they own anything that required them personally to sign as a borrower and therefore establishing any history to be relied upon. These young people have gotten whatever they have by someone else providing it. However, there comes a time that a repayment history becomes an important step in their adult progress. A student loan with no credit history required is that first step.
For instance, a young man who starts college and has tuition costs not covered by the financial aid of scholarships and grants. A student loan with no credit history required will be offered by a government affiliated education funding lender to help them with costs. They will have student loans with no credit history required that will fulfill the tuition payment. Their personal status, contacts, and references will have already been established with the school so therefore, the financing will be locked in with all the needed documentation already in place.
The school will deal directly with the lender, accepting the funding, processing it, distributing only that portion appropriate to the tuition balance, and refunding to the student only that portion over and above the school's charges. Therefore funding a student loan with no credit history required is also a secure process for the lender. They also make sure the monies are reimbursed to the lender if there remains a credit balance on the student's account, unless the student makes arrangements to use that balance and thereby would be obligated to repay the full amount required upon graduation.
This type of financial program can be a great way for a young person to establish their credit worthiness. Although it will take several years following graduation to repay their student loans with no credit history required, each payment will be recorded as payment history and will prove to other lenders who review the report, that they are found to be worthy risks, until they (hopefully do not) prove otherwise by not repaying, slow repaying, or defaulting on the debt down the road. Hopefully, the young borrower will heed the advice from their exit interview with the financial aid office and make sure they handle repayment with due diligence. "Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end" (Proverbs 19:20). That counsel may save the young borrower from a world of distress, and their student loan with no credit history required is the start of a productive financially secure career.
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