Thursday, January 20, 2011

Secrets Of The Secret Course.

(Special Bonus - Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich Audio Package!)

Who Else Wants More Money, Success,?Joy, Love & Peace?

Could This Be You?

Do you wake up every morning dreading your day?? Hitting the snooze alarm over and over because you can't bear to look at the clock?

Do you reluctantly drag yourself to a job you hate?? Where you're unappreciated and unmotivated?? Where routine and monotony has you in a stranglehold??

Or maybe you wake up alone, tired and depressed.?

Or maybe you wake up next to someone who doesn't understand or value you.?

Or maybe you wake up with a houseful of children to care for and so little time in which to do it.

As you plant your weary feet to the floor, you ask yourself, "is this ALL there is?"?Is there a way out?

Then maybe at the office one of your fellow cubicle-prisoners tells you about something they've seen ... Something called "The Secret."?


So you decide check it out.?

Maybe you're astonished?? Maybe you're fill with hope?

But then maybe your emotions come crashing down around you like a ton of bricks.

All this stuff is nice in theory, but how would you ever put it to practice in your life? ?Where would you start?? It's almost too overwhelming to think about.

How to Put the Law of Attraction into Action

When you turned 16, you weren't automatically given your driver's license.? No, first you had to study for the exam, you had to get behind the wheel and practice driving with someone who had more experience.? They acted as your guide.? Slowly you mastered the skills necessary to become competent and hit the road solo.

It's the same thing with the Law of Attraction.? You can't expect perfect results the first time out.? It takes practice.? And you need guidance to know when you're doing some wrong.

Well, that's what this course is about.? Giving you guidance, providing a road for you to follow, step by step ... Letting you become the NASCAR driver of your own life!

This fun and illuminating course will show you how to:

Align your thoughts, words, and actions for success.

Focus on what you want to manifest in your life.

Change your thinking to create unprecedented abundance.

Release negative emotions and replace them with positive ones.

Let go of worry and embrace a deeper level of peace.

Develop a closer relationship with the creator within.

Replace beliefs that are holding you back with empowering ones.

Harness the power of the Universe to do your bidding.

Understand how you control the flow of ?good energy? in your life.

Increase your faith in Spirit, in yourself, and in your abilities.

Increase your sense of purpose and find meaningful work.

Experience more vibrancy and health - feel fully alive!

Feel good about yourself by discovering who you really are.

Enjoy more loving relationships and increase intimacy.

Unleash your creativity - let the "artistic" you blossom.

Overcome addictions and negative habits by focusing on the truth of your inner perfection.

Visualize and meditate; delve into the deeper states of mind and replenish your soul.

Bring about self healing, both physical & spiritual, through the mind, the most powerful pharmacy on earth.

Your Guide to a Better Life -- Dr. Mitzi Lynton

mitzi lynton

Dr. Mitzi Lynton of Dare2create has been teaching this Law of Attraction course to thousands all over the Phoenix area to much acclaim.?

Dr. Mitzi's effervescent, enthusiastic style engages students and shows that working with the Law of Attraction is not just a powerful learning experience but is also just plain fun.?

Her students just can't seem to say enough good things about their class experience:



Here is a random sampling of testimonials:

"Utterly life transforming!"

"This was an amazing, eye opening class-it needs to reach one and all!? Dr. Mitzi is an awesome teacher filled with joy, energy and enthusiasm -just perfect for sharing this material."

"The exercises taught my mind how to think/feel in detailed ways.? The information provided helps to fine tune how I think & how to create the good feelings in manifesting my dreams."

"I kept bringing more people each week.? The class really helped me apply the concepts in the movie to my life."

"Fabulous class, Dr. Mitzi has wonderful energy, and skills."

"Thank you for your passion and desire for this class to be a light for others. The exercises were extremely valuable and?? helped me visualize and focus more clearly."

"Please do more! This was wonderful!"

"The enthusiasm Mitzi has explaining and defining the process is excellent.? She is very knowledgeable."

"The workshop was a perfect combination of everything.? Dr. Mitzi's joy and enthusiasm is contagious!"

"This was a really great class. I'm glad my mom dragged me to it the first time and then I wanted to come again."

"This was a most enlightening class! Really engaging and thought provoking."

"Need more of this -- this was amazing brought the movie to life!"

"I loved it.? I want more.? Can't wait for your advanced class."

"Please make this workshop longer -- I am already signed up for your next class!"

"The honesty and environment created helped me to take a good look at myself.? I am looking forward to your next class."

"The worksheets were marvelous -- most worthwhile.? This class should be everywhere!"

"I want more!? I loved this class. Dr. Mitzi rocks!"

"I love Dr. Mitzi's upbeat attitude -- fun and playful.? I also love and adore her utter honesty.? I love this class!"

"The worksheets are great.? Dr. Mitzi made this so much fun."

"The entire workshop was so beneficial!"

"I can't wait to get to class! I feel so incredibly wonderful after each class. This has been a wonderful way to keep pumped up and encouraged."

"I cannot begin to say how much I sincerely looked forward to this class. No words created can express my appreciation.? I am so happy and grateful to have connected with Dr. Mitzi."

"Very inspirational, life changing class!"

"Thank you so much.? I really enjoyed this and got so much out of it."

"Mitzi is a great facilitator.? Made the class really interesting and fun and created great intimate camaraderie with a really large group."

"Very energizing, inspirational and stimulating.? I'll be taking this again!"

"Great, wonderful class. Two hours every week went by very fast as a result of the way Mitzi presented the information."

"Your enthusiasm contributes so much to this class and to the group energy."

"A very positive class-great tools to use in my life."

"Your care, empathy and love shines.? Loved the class and can't wait for the next one!"

"You deserve to charge a whole lot for this!? Incredible class what an amazing deal you are giving and benefiting us with."

"Thank you so very much for making this such an affordable opportunity.

"I will be taking any class or workshop Dr. Mitzi offers."

"Thank you for your vibrant energy."

"Excellent, outstanding well-prepared teacher!"

"Great class, very informative."

"Mitzi is a breath of fresh air, full of divine energy."?

"Thank you, this was a fabulous experience."

"Mitzi's creative input is so valuable."

"Excellent class and teacher."

"This class is fantastic-very inspirational."

"The Secret movie and this class together are reshaping the planet.? Thank you for your contribution.? I know that others would greatly benefit from this class. Where would the world be if we all lived from this Truth?? Your positive energy is awesome."

"Thank you for your generous heart, spirit and energy."

"Every week was extremely beneficial and practical."

"Phenomenal class!? Dr. Mitzi is a beautiful light in the universe."

Yes, you see, students everywhere have been raving about Dr. Mitzi's course ...

But there?s been one problem ?

Unless you live in Arizona, you haven?t had access to Dr. Mitzi?s powerful life-changing course.?

Until now.

Now, from the comfort of your home, you can access the full transformational power of the course and start making changes to turbo-charge your life.?

Through lively discussion and laser-focused experiential exercises, you'll learn how to have greater prosperity, joy, peace, health and love.? But most importantly --

You'll discover how to create the life you

truly desire using the Law of Attraction!

Now, there are other courses out there about the Law of Attraction and about THE SECRET.? And some of them are, frankly, extremely expensive.? This little movie has seemingly created a cottage industry of self-help seekers.? You've probably noticed by now.? :)

I know, I know, you are bombarded with media messages stating this or that is the best thing ever to be unleashed on planet earth.? It gets a bit tiring after a while, doesn't it?

Trust me, I've been there too.? We all have.? More hype.

But Dr. Mitzi's class has been time-tested and realized by actual students.? People such as yourself, from all walks of life.? Ordinary people seeking to better their lives.

Why not claim all the good the Universe has in store for you??

With Dr. Mitzi's course, you will use your creative powers to consciously shape your life into the beautiful sculpture you want it to be.? You've been using the Law of Attraction all your life, whether you've enjoyed the results or not.? Now it's time to make it work FOR you!?

Why not unleash your internal power and bring about your
heart's desires???

Dr. Mitzi will teach you about taking INSPIRED ACTION.? You will get in touch with your intuition, and by going within, listen to the small inner voice.? Sometimes the inspired action doesn't seem to really make sense, but that's because you're examining things from your logical mind.? After you've taken the course and put into action what you've learned, you'll notice little coincidences happening around you, situations that will put you in the right place at the right time.? Carl Jung called such meaningful coincidences "synchronicities" and believed they were a naturally-occurring process.

dr. mitzi lyntonListen to an interview with Dr. Mitzi Lynton & Ron Peer of Secrets of The

ron peerHere's the Way the Course Works

This course is structured in four parts and was recorded live during several workshops.? As you listen and are drawn into the spirited conversation, you will find that the enthusiasm of the participating students is infectious.? You'll find yourself becoming absorbed in their comments and resonating with their statements.? That's the power of a group workshop -- people often mirror your own thoughts -- and speak the words you would speak had you been there.??

After all, we're all one, right??

Like the original class, this course is designed to be taken once a week over a period of four weeks.?

Each week you will automatically receive a link to your current lesson.? You will be directed to watch a segment of "The Secret" DVD.? If you don't own a copy of the movie, you can get it here:


(Note: this class references the original version with Esther Hicks,
but either version will work just fine.)

You will then download the class worksheets and listen to the audios of the live workshop.? At various points, you will be instructed to perform an experiential exercise and listen to the corresponding recording.

Please do not rush the exercises.? They are the core of this class and are what will produce the actual changes you desire.? Take time to really contemplate the exercises and you will get the best results.

All of the audio files are available as MP3's so that you can download them and listen on your iPod or MP3 player.? In fact, you can also create CDs with these MP3 files (learn about creating your own CDs here) and listen in your car or home stereo.?

Here is a Juicy Taste of Some of the Exercises

Identify Things You Don?t Want & Get Clear On What You Do Want

Speak in Positive Rather Than Negative Words

Practice Mastering Your Emotions

Become Aware of Negative Thoughts In Sheep's Clothing

Set Intention Statements

Identify Your Deepest Longings

Become Aware of Insidious Negativity

"I Am So Happy and Grateful Now That ..."

Get Clear on the Reasons Behind Your Intention

Engage in 17 Seconds of Pure Positive Energy

Reframe and Choose to See Only the Good

Identify Where Your Energy is Leaking

Practice the Super Quick Change

Keep a Joy List and Play List

Learn to Flip Switch

Needless to say, this course is jam packed with jealously-guarded secrets to manifesting your desires.? Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information in any other course (well, any that we're aware of).? But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot, we're also going to give you several outstanding special free bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.?

**The bonuses themselves are worth more than
the price of this course and will crank your manifestation
powers to their ultimate!**

Order Now

and receive the following free bonuses:

Ron Peer's Secrets of THE SECRET New Thought Digital Book Package (55 books in PDF format)
(a $778.05 value if ordered in hard copies)

1. Above Life?s Turmoil by James Allen

2.? As a Man Thinketh? by James Allen

3.? The Path of Prosperity by James Allen

4.? Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell

5.? At Your Command by Neville Goddard

6.? Character-Building Thought Power by Ralph Waldo Trine

7.? The Greatest Thing Ever Known by Ralph Waldo Trine

8.??Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady

9.??Prosperity by Charles Fillmore?

10. Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy

11. Science of Being Well by Wallace Wattles

12. The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

13.?Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (unexpurgated 1937 ed.)

14. The Creative Process in the Individual by Thomas Troward

15. ?The Dore Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward

16. The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward

17.? Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend

18. The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn

19. The Greatest Thing in the World by Henry Drummond

20. The Mental Cure by Warren Felt Evans

21. The Power of Silence by Horatio Dresser

22. The Power of Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin

23. ?Within You is the Power by Henry Thomas Hamblin

24. The Secret of Success by William W. Atkinson

25. ?Thought Vibration by William W. Atkinson

26.? Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford

27. ?Your Forces and How to Use Them by Christian Larson

Plus 12 Other Bonus Books:

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
The Power of Concentration by Theron Dumont
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day by Arnold Bennett
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion??by Emil?Coue
Practical Mental Influence by William Atkinson
The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism by Theron Dumont
The Life of the Spirit by Henry Thomas Hamblin
What All the World's A-seeking by Ralph Waldo Trine
Essays, Vols. 1 & 2 by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Law of Attraction Explained and Basics of
by Kenneth James Michael MacLean

And the 16-Volume Napoleon Hill classic
The Law of Success

Find out more about this package at the
Secrets of The Secret website

?Releasing Fear Meditation by Dr. Mitzi Lynton, creator of this course.

This creative visualization & meditation is designed to release fear and blockages to your good.? MP3 file.

The Secret Visualization: Ask, Believe & Receive Visualization (from Dr. Patrick Porter)
This is? Dr. Porter's special Creative Visualization based upon the "Ask, Believe & Receive" Process of The Secret.? Click on the link to read the story behind it.? Listen to this file once or twice a day to attain maximum results.? MP3 file.

the gift of love

The Gift of Love Visualization (from Dr. Jerry DeShazo)

This visualization is based upon the spiritual writing by Dr. Jerry DeShazo at The Gift of A 9-minute audio that puts you in a place of love and serenity in order to fully access all your inner resources and create a state of magnificent vibration.?? MP3 file.

SpeedWealth by T. Harv Eker
You may already be familiar with Harv Eker.? He's the author of the brilliant Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, a book that was on the bestseller list for weeks.? Eker is considered the master of wealth development for the individual and for businesses.? He has shown thousands how to achieve their financial dreams.? SpeedWealth is one of his first books and contains many of the seed ideas later developed in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.? If you haven't read Secrets yet, this is a good place to start.?

Here is a description of the book from Harv himself:

"Would you like to earn a lot of money ... Quickly?? If so, you are in the right place. I am about to introduce you to a dynamic new business system that will allow you to create wealth faster than you may have ever dreamed possible.? My name is T. Harv Eker.? I am the author of eleven bestselling books, tapes, and home learning courses in the areas of money, business and personal success.? My most recent release is a powerful new program called SpeedWealth and I'd like to share it with you as a gift.? I call it a gift because it has completely transformed my life, and the lives of thousands of others.? I know it can do the same for you.? Let me suggest you take a few moments right now to sit down, relax and read every word of this invaluable book.? I assure you it will be well worth your time. SpeedWealth is a step-by-step system for making a million dollars or more in your own business in 3 years or less, and enjoying the journey along the way!? Let me warn you, if you're expecting complex formulas, you are in for a surprise. The SpeedWealth methods are extremely simple, but they make people rich!? The SpeedWealth system is for people who already own a business, for people who want to own a business, and for people who have a job now, but want the security of 'knowing' they can succeed on their own in case they leave their job or it leaves them!? It's for anyone who is tired of struggling for money and wants to become financially free, once and for all."

PDF Electronic Format Valued at $20.00

Manifesting Mindset by Barry Goss

In Barry Goss' latest book "The Manifesting Mindset: Strategies for Deliberate Attraction & Conscious Living" you will find the the keys to properly manifesting your desires, and includes the 12 Keys Principles of the Manifesting Mindset.

In this acclaimed book by manifestation expert Barry Goss you will not only discover what you truly desire in life but also get the tools to make your own personal mission come alive in reality.

Through reading the Manifesting Mindset you will uncover the following insights that will give you the keys to the heavily guarded vault of riches and abundance.

-- What's your self-directed storyline?
-- From Puppet to Puppet-Master
-- Why Ask "Why?"
-- From Perception to Vision - Expanding Our Paradigms
-- Life's Top 5 Illusions
-- What you don't know that you don't know
-- 12 Key Manifesting Principles
-- It's Not Magic ... But It Can Be Magical

This is a very powerful book, that will really take your way of thinking to a complete new level

PDF Electronic Format Valued at $24.95

The Greatest Money Making Secret in History by Joe Vitale
Vitale, one of the featured teachers in The Secret, describes the real way to increase the flow of prosperity into your life.? Controversial, stunning, argumentative, this book will reveal how one man used the principles outlined in this book to make $1.5 million.? The hardcopy of this book sells for 25.95.? This PDF digital version is yours as a FREE bonus with the Secrets of The Secret Home Study Course.

Just added - EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS -- Napoleon Hill's THINK AND GROW RICH Audio Book package.? The complete text available as an MP3 download.? A $17.97 value.??

?Click here for the details

Full Course Only $97.00


To recap, here's what you'll receive in your package
to get started on your new life:

4 Hours of the Exciting Live Class
Recording Plus Experiential Exercises
BONUSES (over $820.93 in value!)
58 Bonus Digital Books in PDF Format ($778.05 value)
The "Ask Believe & Receive" Audio Visualization ($9.97 value)
"The Gift of Love" Audio Visualization ($4.97 value)
Dr. Mitzi's "Releasing Fear" Audio Visualization ($9.97 value)
NEW! -- Think And Grow Rich Audio Book ($17.97 value)

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose with
our 100% money-back guarantee.

And if all of that wasn't enough, here's something else...

100% "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee

Listen, if you don't agree that this it the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of The Secret and the Law of Attraction, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot.? No hard feelings and no questions asked.? In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 8 weeks after you get everything!? That's right, 8 weeks to use and profit from this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund.?

Fair enough?

I urge you to take action right now and grab this home study course.? Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one.? Grab your copy now by clicking below for our safe and secure order form.


One Final Testimonial

Hi Dr. Rev Mitzi,

Your words of encouragement have meant so much to me, as has your class...truly life-changing!

BTW, I got home from your class last night, and GUESS what was waiting for me in the mail as a "surprise" from my favorite aunt in Texas?? You guessed it, my own copy of "The Secret" on DVD!? I burst into tears of joy, faith and gratitude!!!? (All I had done was email her a link to their site, and tell her how AMAZING your class has been!)? What a great day ....

And some random person I met last fall from Alabama called me "out of the blue" the other day and today spontaneously offered to split the cost of a hotel room in Chicago this June so that I can afford to attend an event that I *really* wanted to attend and I HAVE THAT ON MY VISION BOARD that was blessed in your class!!!? It is HAPPENING! wow and double wow!!!? THANK YOU!!!

I can never really truly express my gratitude to you, but really, I deeply thank you.

In reverent thanks,

Tiffany"Your thoughts become things!? Say this
over to yourself and let it seep into your
consciousness and your awareness. Your
thoughts become things!" -- Mike Dooley

?mitzi lynton mike dooley

Dr. Mitzi with Mike Dooley of "The Secret"




The Secret has been reaching millions all around the globe and changing lives with its inspirational message.? The book, by Rhonda Byrne, has been on bestseller lists for weeks and is setting sales records! Now these powerful Law of Attraction principles have been assembled in a revolutionary home study course.

View the original article here

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